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"But why are Turks?"-asked Mr. Holmes, looking at my shoes. At that time, I was lying on a wicker chair, and my bulging legs attracted his constant attention. "English," I replied somewhat surprised. Latimers on Oxford Street. Holmes showed tired patience and smiled. "Take a bath! He said," the bathroom! Why use light and expensive Turkish items instead of exciting household items?"Because I have been rheumatic and old in recent days. Turkish bath is another option for us in medicine: a new starting point, which is a cleanser.
"By the way, Holmes, I added. There is no doubt that the connection between my boots and the Turkish bath is logically obvious, but if you point this out, I would be very grateful. "The logic of thought is that Watson is not very depressed," Holmes said mischievously. This is a basic print. If you ask me who is in your taxi this morning, it should be stated. "I don't allow the new icon to be an explanation. "I said harshly. "Watson, Bravo, a very solemn and logical protest. Let's see how it turns out? Let's take the last taxi first: the taxi.You notice splashes on the left sleeve and shoulder of the jacket. If you are sitting in the middle of a convertible, there may be no splashes. If you do, it must be symmetrical. Therefore, it is clear that you have a companion. "It's obvious." "It's ridiculous, isn't it? ""But what about the boots and the bathroom? "It's like childish. His boots are a bit. This time, I saw that they were tied up with a complicated double bow, which is not their usual method of lashing.So you took them off. Who tied her up? Do not? Despite everything, the Turkish bath served its purpose. "" what is this? "You say you own it because you have to change it.I suggest you take one. Living in Lausanne, my dear Watson, what will the first-class ticket and all royal payments be like? -Big! but why? Holmes leaned back in the chair and took a notebook from his pocket. He said: "One of the most dangerous classes in the world is a woman driving a car without friends."
She is the most innocent and most useful person among mortals, but she is an inevitable advocate of crime in the world. She is defenseless and has sufficient resources to transport her from one country to another, and from one hotel to another. Most of the time, you will get lost in the maze of vacant pensions and pensions. She is a street chicken in the fox world. When they devour it, we hardly miss it. I am very afraid that Lady Frances Carfax has something evil. The sudden change from general to individual comforted me. Holmes consulted his notes. He continued: "Mrs. Francis is the only survivor of the immediate family of the Earl of Loveton. She has limited resources but has some exquisite Spanish silver medals and unusual cut diamonds.
This is also because she refused to leave it to the banker. , And always carry it with him. A rather sad character, Mrs. Francis, is a beautiful woman who is still middle-aged but has undergone strange changes. This was the last act of rejecting the US Navy twenty years ago."Then what happened to him?" "Ah, what happened to Mrs. Francis? Is she dead or alive? This is our problem. She is a woman with a certain habit and has been practicing persistently for the past four years." Write to Miss Dobney, his longtime female teacher in Camberwell (Camberwell) every two weeks. It was Miss Dobney who consulted me. Did not speak for nearly five weeks.
The last letter came from the National Hotel in Lausanne. Please pay attention to the address, because this family is very rich because they are very rich, so if we can solve this problem, we will not save any money."Is Miss Dobney the only source of information? Of course, she has other correspondents? "I checked your account. The last one was a check, but one of them paid his Lausanne bill, but that one was huge and he might have left cash. Since then only one check has been written. "Who is where?"For Miss Mary Devine." There was no sign of where the check was written.
It was redeemed at Credit Lyonnais in Montpellier less than three weeks ago. The quantity is fifty pounds. "Who is Miss Mary Devine?" "I can find this too." Miss Mary Devine is the maid of Mrs. Francis Carfax. We have not yet determined why this check should be paid to you. However, there is no doubt that your research will resolve this issue soon. "My investigation!" "Perhaps he will leave London at the painful moment of old Abraham's life. In addition, according to general principles, it is best not to leave the country. Without me, Scotland Yard was very lonely and caused unhealthy excitement among the criminal class. So why, my dear Watson, and if my humble lawyer can be judged to be so extravagant at the speed of two pennies a word, he will wait day and night for the mainland telegram to issue. "Two days later, I came to the National Hotel in Lausanne, where I got all the courtesy of Mr. Moselle. He told me that the famous Mrs. Francis had been there for a few weeks. Everyone she knew. She was not yet. By the age of forty. Moser knew nothing about precious jewelry, but the servants noticed that the heavy suitcase in the lady's bedroom was always carefully locked.
The maid, Marie Devine, is as popular as her lover. In fact, she was engaged to one of the hotel attendants, and I found her address effortlessly. It was 11-year-old Avenue de Trajan in Montpellier. Holmes himself is not good at collecting data. Only one corner remained under the shade of the tree. I can't clarify the reason for this lady's sudden departure. She was very happy in Lausanne.
There are many reasons to believe that she wants to spend this season in luxurious rooms with lake views. However, she received a day's notice and was forced to pay a week's rent uselessly. Only Jules Vibard, the mistress of the maid, can provide something. A day or two ago, he will suddenly leave the hotel in conjunction with a black-haired man with a beard. "Barbarians, real savages!"-Jules Webard exclaimed. The man has a room somewhere in the town. You see him talking. Sincere woman, walking along the lake. So he called. She refused to see him. He is in English, but his name is not written down. The lady left this place immediately. Jules Vibart, especially Jules Vibart's "Darling" (Darling), believes that this calling and leaving are causal. The only thing Julie doesn't want to talk about is why Mary left his lover. He can't or won't say anything. If he wants to know, he must go to Montpellier and ask him. This concludes the first chapter of my question.
The second is dedicated to the place Lady Frances Carfax was looking for when she left Lausanne. There is a secret in it, supporting his intention to leave, which is to knock someone down. Both she and they followed the winding road to the resort on the Rhine. Cook’s local office manager told me about it. So I went to Baden, reported all my actions to Holmes, and received some humorous recommendation telegrams. In Baden, walking along the highway is not difficult. Mrs. Francis stayed in the British court for two weeks. Dr.'s friend Schlessinger and his wife, missionaries from South America.
Like most single women, French ladies find solace and employment opportunities in religion. The illness she suffered while performing her apostle duties had a profound effect on her. She helps Mrs. Schlessinger in the infirmary of the recovering saint.
As the manager described to me, he spent the whole day in a crowded chair on the porch, with assistants on both sides. He is preparing a map of the Holy Land, focusing on the kingdom of the Midianites, and has written a monograph on it. Finally, he and his wife returned to London, and Mrs. Francis went there with them. Only three weeks ago, the manager has heard nothing since then. After telling the other maids that she was leaving forever, Mary shed tears a few days ago. Before leaving, Dr. Schlesinger had the whole party.
His clothes loosened on his large body. He seemed to wither in fear. "If only you would give me something to do!" Was his constant complaint. At last he could like Holmes. He started mortgaging the jewels. We should catch it now. But does that mean Lady Frances has been harmed? Holmes shook his head very seriously. "Provided they have held their prisoners up until now, it is clear that they cannot set them free without their own destruction."We have to prepare for the worst. "" What I can do? "You don't know these people by sight?" "" No. "" You can go to a different lender in the future. In this case, on the other hand, we have a fair price and no questions were asked. So if you have money on hand, chances are you'll be heading back to Bovington. I'll give you a message and they'll keep you waiting in the store.
If the guy comes, follow him home. But without indiscretions and above all without violence. I trust that you will not take any action without my knowledge and consent. "For two days the honorable Philip Green (may I mention the son of the famous admiral of that name, who commanded the navy of the sea of Azof in the Crimea). War) brought us no news. On the afternoon of the third, he ran pale and trembling in our living room, all muscles of his mighty figure trembling with excitement. "We got it! We have it! "He shouted.
It was incoherent. In his excitement, Holmes soothed him with a few words and pushed him into an armchair." Come on, tell us the order of events, "he said."She only came an hour ago. This time it was the woman, but the earring she brought was the other's partner. She is a tall, pale woman with ferret eyes." "That's the lady," said Holmes. She left the office and I followed her. She was walking down Kennington Road and I stayed behind her. At that moment he went into a shop. Mr. Holmes, it was a funeral home. My partner was frightened." Well?" he asked in that lively voice that spoke of the burning soul behind the cold gray face. "She spoke to the woman behind the counter. I came in too. It's late, I've heard her say, or words like that. She apologized. I should be there earlier, she replied. It took long until I wasn't there anymore. " They both stopped and looked at me, so I asked a few questions and then left the shop. "" You did an excellent job.
What happened after that? "The woman came out, but I hid in a door." I think his suspicions were aroused by looking around. Then he called a taxi and got in. I was lucky enough to meet someone else and follow her. Eventually, he got off at 36, Poultney Square, Brixton. I passed by, got out of the cab on the corner of the square, and looked at the house. all in the dark except one below.
The blind man was downstairs and I couldn't see inside. I was standing wondering what to do next when a covered van arrived with two men in it. They got out, took something out of the truck, and carried it up the stairs. Mr. Holmes, it was a coffin. "Ah!" "For a moment I was about to storm in." The door had opened to accept the men and their cargo. It was the woman who opened it. But when I was there she saw me for a moment and I think she recognized me.
I saw her start and hastily shut the door. I remembered the promise I made and here I am. "You did an excellent job," said Holmes, scribbling a few words on half a sheet of paper. We can not do anything. legal without a court order, and you can better serve the cause by taking this note to the authorities and receiving one. There might be some trouble, but I think selling the jewelry should be enough. Lestrade takes care of all the details. In the meantime, you can kill her. What could the coffin mean and who could it be for but her? "We will do whatever can be done, Mr. Green."Not a moment will be lost. Leave it in our hands.
Now Watson, "he added as our client hurried away," is going to put the regular force in motion. We are the irregulars as always, and we have to make our own line of attack. The situation seems so desperate to me that the most extreme measures are justified. You don't have to miss a moment to get to Poultney Square. "Let's try to rebuild the situation," he said as we sped past the Houses of Parliament. Westminster Bridge. "These villains convinced this unfortunate woman to go to London after she took her away from her faithful maid. If she wrote any letters, they were intercepted. They rented a furnished house through a Confederate. Once inside, they have taken their prisoners and confiscated the precious jewels that have been their subject from the start. You have already started selling some of them.