It came lilting back to them through the soft night air, and was a sweet romantic ballad which would have netted McCartney Kent and Sussex and enabled him to put in a fair offer for Hampshire. ”You must surely know,” said Slartibartfast to Ford, ”what it is that is about to happen?” ”Me?” said Ford. ”No.” ”Did you not learn Ancient Galactic History when you were a child?” ”I was in the cybercubicle behind Zaphod,” said Ford, ”it was very distracting. Which isn’t to say that I didn’t learn some pretty stunning things.” At this point, Arthur noticed a curious feature to the song that the party was singing.
The middle eight bridge, which would have had McCartney firmly consolidated in Winchester and gazing intently over the Test Valley to the rich pickings of the New Forest beyond, had some curious lyrics. The songwriter was referring to meeting with a girl not ”under the moon” or ”beneath the stars” but ”above the grass”, which struck Arthur a little prosaic.
Then he looked up again at the bewildering black sky and had a distinct feeling that there was an important point here if only he could grasp what it was. It gave him a feeling of being alone in the Universe, and he said so. ”No,” said Slartibartfast, with a slight quickening of his step, ”the people of Krikkit have never thought to themselves ‘We are alone in the Universe.’ They are surrounded by a huge Dust Cloud, you see, their single sun with its single world, and they are right out on the utmost eastern edge of the Galaxy. Because of the Dust Cloud, there has never been anything to see in the sky.
At night it is totally blank, During the day there is the sun, but you can’t look directly at that so they don’t. They are hardly aware of the sky. It’s as if they had a blind spot that extended 180 degrees from horizon to horizon. ”You see, the reason why they have never thought ‘We are alone in the Universe’ is that until tonight they don’t know about the Universe. Until tonight.” He moved on, leaving the words ringing in the air behind him. ”Imagine,” he said, ”never even thinking ‘We are alone simply because it has never occurred to you to think that there’s any other way to be.” He moved on again. ”I’m afraid this is going to be a little unnerving,” he added. As he spoke, they became aware of a very thin roaring scream high up in the sightless sky above them.
They glanced upwards in alarm, but for a moment or two could see nothing. Then Arthur noticed that the people in the party in front of them had heard the noise, but that none of them seemed to know what to so with it. They were glancing around themselves in consternation, left, right, forwards, backwards, even at the ground. It never occurred to them to look upwards. The profoundness of the shock and horror they emanated a few moments later when the burning wreckage of a spaceship came hurtling and screaming out of the sky and crashed about half a mile from where they were standing was something that you had to be there to experience.
Some speak of the Heart of Gold in hushed tones, some of the Starship Bistromath. Many speak of the legendary and gigantic Starship Titanic, a majestic and luxurious cruise-liner launched from the great shipbuilding asteroid complexes of Artifactovol some hundreds of years ago now, and with good reason. 39 It was sensationally beautiful, staggeringly huge, and more pleasantly equipped than any ship in what now remains of history (see note below on the Campaign for Real-Time) but it had the misfortune to be built in the very earliest days of Improbability Physics, long before this difficult and cussed branch of knowledge was fully, or at all, understood.
The designers and engineers decided, in their innocence, to build a prototype Improbability Field into it, which was meant, supposedly, to ensure that it was Infinitely Improbable that anything would ever go wrong with any part of the ship. They did not realize that because of the quasi-reciprocal and circular nature of all Improbability calculations, anything that was Infinitely Improbable was actually very likely to happen almost immediately.
The Starship Titanic was a monstrously pretty sight as it lay beached like a silver Arcturan Megavoidwhale amongst the laser-lit tracery of its construction gantries, a brilliant cloud of pins and needles of light against the deep interstellar blackness; but when launched, it did not even manage to complete its very first radio message - an SOS - before undergoing a sudden and gratuitous total existence failure.
However, the same event which saw the disastrous failure of one science in its infancy also witnessed the apotheosis of another. It was conclusively proven that more people watched the tri-d coverage of the launch than actually existed at the time, and this has now been recognized as the greatest achievement ever in the science of audience research. Another spectacular media event of that time was the supernova which the star Ysllodins underwent a few hours later. Yellowing is the star around which most of the Galaxy’s major insurance underwriters live, or rather lived. But whilst these spaceships, and other great ones which come to mind, such as the Galactic Fleet Battleships - the GSS Daring, the GSS Audacy, and the GSS Suicidal Insanity - are all spoken of with awe, pride, enthusiasm, affection, admiration, regret, jealousy, resentment, in fact, most of the better-known emotions, the one which regularly commands the most actual astonishment was Krikkit One, the first spaceship ever built by the people of Krikkit.
This is not because it was a wonderful ship. It wasn’t. It was a crazy piece of near junk. It looked as if it had been knocked up in somebody’s backyard, and this was in fact precisely where it had been knocked up. The astonishing thing about the ship was not that it was one well (it wasn’t) but that it was done at all. The period of time which had elapsed between the moment that the people of Krikkit had discovered that there was such a thing as space and the launching of their first spaceship was almost exactly a year. Ford Prefect was extremely grateful, as he strapped himself in, that this was just another Informational Illusion, and that he was therefore completely safe. In real life, it wasn’t a ship he would have set foot in for all the rice wine in China.
”Extremely rickety” was one phrase that sprang to mind, and ”Please may I get out?” was another. ”This is going to fly?” said Arthur, giving gaunt looks, at the lashed-together pipework and wiring which festooned the cramped interior of the ship. Slartibartfast assured him that it would, that they were perfectly safe, and that it was all going to be extremely instructive and not a little harrowing. Ford and Arthur decided just to relax and be harrowed. ”Why not,” said Ford, ”go mad?” In front of them and, of course, totally unaware of their presence for the very good reason that they weren’t actually there, were the three pilots. They had also constructed the ship.
They had been on the hill path that night singing wholesome heartwarming songs. Their brains had been very slightly turned by the nearby crash of the alien spaceship. They had spent weeks stripping every tiniest last secret out of the wreckage of that burnt-up spaceship, all the while singing lilting spaceship-stripping ditties. They had then built their own ship and this was it. This was their ship, and they were currently singing a little song about that too, expressing the twin joys of achievement and ownership.
The chorus was a little poignant and told of their sorrow that their work had kept them such long hours in the garage, away from the company of their wives and children, who 40 had missed them terribly but had kept them cheerful by bringing them continual stories of how nicely the puppy was growing up. Pow, they took off. They roared into the sky like a ship that knew precisely what it was doing. ”No way,” said Ford a while later after they had recovered from the shock of acceleration, and were climbing up out of the planet’s atmosphere, ”no way,” he repeated, ”does anyone design and build a ship like this in a year, no matter how motivated.
I don’t believe it. Prove it to me and I still won’t believe it.” He shook his head thoughtfully and gazed out of a tiny port at the nothingness outside it. The trip passed uneventfully for a while, and Slartibartfast fast wound them through it. Very quickly, therefore, they arrived at the inner perimeter of the hollow, spherical Dust Cloud which surrounded their sun and home planet, occupying, as it were, the next orbit out. It was more as if there was a gradual change in the texture and consistency of space.
The darkness seemed now to thrum and ripple past them. It was a very cold darkness, a very blank and heavy darkness, it was the darkness of the night sky of Krikkit. The coldness and heaviness and blankness of it took a slow grip on Arthur’s heart, and he felt acutely aware of the feelings of the Krikkit pilots which hung in the air like a thick static charge. They were now on the very boundary of the historical knowledge of their race. This was the very limit beyond which none of them had ever speculated, or even known that there was any speculation to be done.
The darkness of the cloud buffeted at the ship. Inside was the silence of history. Their historic mission was to find out if there was anything or anywhere on the other side of the sky, from which the wrecked spaceship could have come, another world maybe, strange and incomprehensible though this thought was to the enclosed minds of those who had lived beneath the sky of Krikkit. History was gathering itself to deliver another blow.
Still, the darkness thrummed at them, the blank enclosing darkness. It seemed closer and closer, thicker and thicker, heavier and heavier. And suddenly it was gone. They flew out of the cloud. They saw the staggering jewels of the night in their infinite dust and their minds sang with fear.
For a while they flew on, motionless against the starry sweep of the Galaxy, itself motionless against the infinite sweep of the Universe. And then they turned around. ”It’ll have to go,” the men of Krikkit said as they headed back for home. On the way back they sang a number of tuneful and reflective songs on the subjects of peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life, and the obliteration of all other life forms. 13 Chapter 13 ”So you see,” said Slartibartfast, slowly stirring his artificially constructed coffee, and thereby also stirring the whirlpool interfaces between real and unreal numbers, between the interactive perceptions of mind and Universe, and thus generating the restructured matrices of implicitly enfolded subjectivity which allowed his ship to reshape the very concept of time and space, ”how it is.” ”Yes,” said Arthur. ”Yes,” said Ford. ”What do I do,” said Arthur, ”with this piece of chicken?” Slartibartfast glanced at him gravely.
”Toy with it,” he said, ”toy with it.” 41 He demonstrated with his own piece. Arthur did so and felt the slight tingle of a mathematical function thrilling through the chicken leg as it moved four- dimensionally through what Slartibartfast had assured him was five-dimensional space. ”Overnight,” said Slartibartfast, ”the whole population of Krikkit was transformed from being charming, delightful, intelligent ...” ”... if whimsical ...” interpolated Arthur. ”... ordinary people,” said Slartibartfast, ”into charming, delightful, intelligent ...” ”... whimsical ...” ”... manic xenophobes.
The idea of a Universe didn’t fit into their world picture, so to speak. They simply couldn’t cope with it. And so, charmingly, delightfully, intelligently, whimsically if you like, they decided to destroy it. What’s the matter now?” ”I don’t like the wine very much,” said Arthur sniffing it. ”Well, send it back. It’s all part of the mathematics of it.” Arthur did so. He didn’t like the topography of the waiter’s smile, but he’d never liked graphs anyway. ”Where are we going?” said Ford. ”Back to the Room of Informational Illusions,” said Slartibartfast, rising and patting his mouth with the mathematical representation of a paper napkin, ”for the second half.” 14 Chapter 14 ”The people of Krikkit,” said His High Judgmental Supremacy, Judiciary Pag, LIVR (the Learned, Impartial and Very Relaxed) Chairman of the Board of Judges at the Krikkit War Crimes Trial, ”are, well, you know, they’re just a bunch of really sweet guys, you know, who just happens to want to kill everybody. Hell, I feel the same way some mornings. Shit. ”OK,” he continued, swinging his feet up onto the bench in front of him and pausing a moment to pick a thread of his Ceremonial Beach Loafers, ”so you wouldn’t necessarily want to share a Galaxy with these guys.” This was true.
The Krikkit attack on the Galaxy had been stunning. Thousands and thousands of huge Krikkit warships had leaped suddenly out of hyperspace and simultaneously attacked thousands and thousands of major worlds, first seizing vital material supplies for building the next wave, and then calmly zapping those worlds out of existence. The Galaxy, which had been enjoying a period of unusual peace and prosperity at the time, reeled like a man getting mugged in a meadow. ”I mean,” continued Judiciary Pag, gazing round the ultra-modern (this was ten billion years ago when ”ultramodern” meant lots of stainless steel and brushed concrete) and huge courtroom, ”these guys are just obsessed.”
This too was true and is the only explanation anyone has yet managed to come up with for the unimaginable speed with which the people of Krikkit had pursued their new and absolute purpose - the destruction of everything that wasn’t Krikkit. It is also the only explanation for their bewildering sudden grasp of all the hyper technology involved in building their thousands of spaceships, and their millions of lethal white robots. These had really struck terror into the hearts of everyone who had encountered them - in most cases, however, the terror was extremely short-lived, as was the person experiencing the terror. They were savage, single-minded flying battle machines.
They wielded formidable multifunctional battle clubs which, brandished one way, would knock down buildings and, brandished another way, fired blistering Omni-Destructo Zap Rays and, brandished a third way, launched a hideous arsenal of grenades, ranging from minor incendiary devices to Maxi-Slorta Hyper nuclear Devices which could take out a major Sun. Simply striking the grenades with the battle clubs 42 simultaneously primed them, and launched them with phenomenal accuracy over distances ranging from mere yards to hundreds of thousands of miles. ”OK,” said Judiciary Pag again, ”so we won.” He paused and chewed a little gum. ”We won,” he repeated, ”but that’s no big deal. I mean a medium-sized galaxy against one little world, and how long did it take us? Clerk of the Court?” ”M’lud?” said the severe little man in black, rising.
”How long, kiddo?” ”It is a trifle difficult, mud, to be precise in this matter. Time and distance ...” ”Relax, guy, be vague.” ”I hardly like to be vague, mud, over such a ...” ”Bite the bullet and be it.” The Clerk of the Court blinked at him. It was clear that like most of the Galactic legal profession he found Judiciary Pag (or Zippo Bibrok 5 / 108, as his private name was known, inexplicably, to be) a rather distressing figure. He was clearly a bounder and a cad. He seemed to think that the fact that he was the possessor of the finest legal mind ever discovered gave him the right to behave exactly as he liked, and unfortunately he appeared to be right. ”Er, well, mud, very approximately, two thousand years,” the Clerk murmured unhappily. ”And how many guys filched out?” ”Two grillion, mud.” The Clerk sat down.
A hydroelectric photo of him at this point would have revealed that he was steaming slightly. Judiciary Pag gazed once more around the courtroom, wherein was assembled hundreds of the very highest officials of the entire Galactic administration, all in their ceremonial uniforms or bodies, depending on metabolism and custom. Behind a wall of Zap-Proof Crystal stood a representative group of the people of Krikkit, looking with calm, polite loathing at all the aliens gathered to pass judgment on them.
This was the most momentous occasion in legal history, and Judiciary Pag knew it. He took out his chewing gum and stuck it under his chair. ”That’s a whole lotta stiff,” he said quietly. The grim silence in the courtroom seemed in accord with this view. ”So, like I said, these are a bunch of really sweet guys, but you wouldn’t want to share a Galaxy with them, not if they’re just gonna keep at it, not if they’re not gonna learn to relax a little.
I mean it’s just gonna be a continual nervous time, isn’t it, right? Pow, pow, pow, when are they next coming at us? Peaceful coexistence is just right out, right? Get me some water somebody, thank you.” He sat back and sipped reflectively. ”OK,” he said, ”Hear me, hear me. It’s, like, these guys, you know, are entitled to their own view of the Universe. And according to their view, which the Universe forced on them, right, they did right. Sounds crazy, but I think you’ll agree.
They believe in ...” He consulted a piece of paper which he found in the back pocket of his Judicial jeans. ”They believe in ‘peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life, and the obliteration of all other life forms.” He shrugged. ”I’ve heard a lot worse,” he said. He scratched his crotch reflectively. ”Freedom,” he said. He took another sip of water, then held it up to the light and frowned at it. He twisted it around. ”Hey, is there something in this water?” he said. 43 ”Er, no, mud,” said the Court Usher who had brought it to him, rather nervously. ”Then take it away,” snapped Judiciary Pag, ”and put something in it. I got an idea.” He pushed away from the glass and leaned forward. ”Hear me, hear me,” he said. The solution was brilliant and went like this:
The planet of Krikkit was to be enclosed for perpetuity in an envelope of Slo-Time, inside which life would continue almost infinitely slowly. All light would be deflected around the envelope so that it would remain invisible and impenetrable. Escape from the envelope would be utterly impossible unless it was locked from the outside. When the rest of the Universe came to its final end, when the whole of creation reached its dying fall (this was all, of course, in the days before it was known that the end of the Universe would be a spectacular catering venture) and life and matter ceased to exist, then the planet of Krikkit and its sun would emerge from its Slo-Time envelope and continue a solitary existence, such as it craved, in the twilight of the Universal void. The Lock would be on an asteroid that would slowly orbit the envelope.
The key would be the symbol of the Galaxy - the Wikkit Gate. By the time the applause in the court had died down, Judiciary Pag was already in the Sens-O-Shower with a rather nice member of the jury that he’d slipped a note to half an hour earlier. 15 Chapter 15 Two months later, Zipo Bibrok 5 / 108 had cut the bottoms off his Galactic State jeans, and was spending part of the enormous fee his judgments commanded lying on a jeweled beach having Essence of Qualactin rubbed into his back by the same rather nice member of the jury. She was a Soolfinian girl from beyond the Cloudworlds of Yaga. She had skin like lemon silk and was very interested in legal bodies. ”Did you hear the news?” she said. ”Weeeeelaaaaah!” said Zippo Bibrok 5 / 108, and you would have had to have been there to know exactly why he said this. None of this was on the tape of Informational Illusions and is all based on hearsay. ”No,” he added when the thing that had made him say ”Weeeeelaaaaah” had stopped happening.
He moved his body around slightly to catch the first rays of the third and greatest of primeval Vod’s three suns which were now creeping over the ludicrously beautiful horizon, and the sky now glittered with some of the greatest tanning power ever known.
A fragrant breeze wandered up from the quiet sea, trailed along the beach, and drifted back to sea again, wondering where to go next. On a mad impulse, it went up to the beach again. It drifted back to sea. ”I hope it isn’t good news,” muttered Zipo Bibrok 5 / 108, ”’cos I don’t think I could bear it.” ”Your Krikkit judgment was carried out today,” said the girl sumptuously. There was no need to say such a straightforward thing sumptuously, but she went ahead and did it anyway because it was that sort of day. ”I heard it on the radio,” she said, ”when I went back to the ship for the oil.” ”Uhuh,” muttered Zipo and rested his head back on the jeweled sand. ”Something happened,” she said. ”Mmmm?” ”Just after the Slo-Time envelope was locked,” she said, and paused a moment from rubbing in the Essence of Qualactin, ”a Krikkit warship which had been missing presumed destroyed turned out to be just missing after all. It appeared and tried to seize the Key.” Zippo sat up sharply. ”Hey, what?” he said. 44 ”it’s all right,” she said in a voice that would have calmed the Big Bang down. ”Apparently there was a short battle.
The Key and the warship were disintegrated and blasted into the space-time continuum. Apparently, they are lost forever.” She smiled and ran a little more Essence of Qualactin onto her fingertips. He relaxed and lay back down. ”Do what you did a moment or two ago,” he murmured. ”What?” she said. ”No, no,” he said, ”that.” She tried again. ”What?” she asked. ”Weeeeelaaaaah!” Again, you had to be there.
The fragrant breeze drifted up from the sea again. A magician wandered along the beach, but no one needed him. 16 Chapter 16 ”Nothing is lost forever,” said Slartibartfast, his face flickering redly in the light of the candle which the robot waiter was trying to take away, ”except for the Cathedral of Chalesm.” ”The what?” said Arthur with a start. ”The Cathedral of Chalesm,” repeated Slartibartfast. ”It was during the course of my researches at the Campaign for Real-Time that I ...” ”The what?” said Arthur again. The old man paused and gathered his thoughts, for what he hoped would be one last onslaught on his story.
The robot waiter moved through the space-time matrices in a way that spectacularly combined the surly with the obsequious, made a snatch for the candle, and got it. They had had the bill, had argued convincingly about who had had the cannelloni and how many bottles of wine they had had, and, as Arthur had been dimly aware, had thereby successfully maneuvered the ship out of subjective space and into a parking orbit around a strange planet. The waiter was now anxious to complete his part of the charade and clear the bistro. ”All will become clear,” said Slartibartfast. ”When?” ”In a minute. Listen.
The time streams are now very polluted. There’s a lot of muck floating about in them, flotsam and jetsam, and more and more of it is now being regurgitated into the physical world. Eddies in the space-time continuum, you see.” ”So I hear,” said Arthur. ”Look, where are we going?” said Ford, pushing his chair back from the table with impatience. ”Because I’m eager to get there.” ”We are going,” said Slartibartfast in a slow, measured voice, ”to try to prevent the war robots of Krikkit from regaining the whole of the Key they need to unlock the planet of Krikkit from the Slo-Time envelope and release the rest of their army and their mad Masters.” ”It’s just,” said Ford, ”that you mentioned a party.” ”I did,” said Slartibartfast, and hung his head. He realized that it had been a mistake because the idea seemed to exercise a strange and unhealthy fascination on the mind of Ford Prefect.
The more that Slartibartfast unraveled the dark and tragic story of Krikkit and its people, the more Ford Prefect wanted to drink a lot and dance with girls. 45 The old man felt that he should not have mentioned the party until he absolutely had to. But there it was, the fact was out, and Ford Prefect had attached himself to it the way an Arcturan Megaleach attaches itself to its victim before biting his head off and making off with his spaceship. ”When,” said Ford eagerly, ”do we get there?” ”When I’ve finished telling you why we have to go there.” ”I know why I’m going,” said Ford, and leaned back, sticking his hands behind his head.
He gave one of his smiles which made people twitch. Slartibartfast had hoped for an easy retirement.
He had been planning to learn to play the octraventral heebiephone - a pleasantly futile task, he knew, because he had the wrong number of mouths. He had also been planning to write an eccentric and relentlessly inaccurate monograph on the subject of equatorial fjords in order to set the record wrong about one or two matters he saw as important. Instead, he had somehow got talked into doing some part-time work for the Campaign for Real-Time and had started to take it all seriously for the first time in his life. As a result, he now found himself spending his fast-declining years combating evil and trying to save the Galaxy. He found it exhausting work and sighed heavily.
”Listen,” he said, ”at Camtim ...” ”What?” said Arthur. ”The Campaign for Real-Time, which I will tell you about later. I noticed that five pieces of jetsam which had in relatively recent times plopped back into existence seemed to correspond to the five pieces of the missing Key. Only two I could trace exactly - the Wooden Pillar, which appeared on your planet, and the Silver Bail. It seems to be at some sort of party. We must go there to retrieve it before the Krikkit robots find it, or who knows what mayhap?” ”No,” said Ford firmly.
”We must go to the party in order to drink a lot and dance with girls.” ”But haven’t you understood everything I ...?” ”Yes,” said Ford, with a sudden and unexpected fierceness, ”I’ve understood it all perfectly well. That’s why I want to have as many drinks and dance with as many girls as possible while there are still any left. If everything you’ve shown us is true ...” ”True? Of course, it’s true.” ”... then we don’t stand a whelk’s chance in a supernova.” ”A what?” said Arthur sharply again. He had been following the conversation doggedly up to this point and was keen not to lose the thread now. ”A whelk’s chance in a supernova,” repeated Ford without losing momentum.
”The ...” ”What’s a whelk got to do with a supernova?” said Arthur. ”It doesn’t,” said Ford levelly, ”stand a chance in one.” He paused to see if the matter was now cleared up. The freshly puzzled looks clambering across Arthur’s face told him that it wasn’t. ”A supernova,” said Ford as quickly and as clearly as he could, ”is a star which explodes at almost half the speed of light and burns with the brightness of a billion suns and then collapses as a super-heavy neutron star. It’s a star that burns up other stars, got it? Nothing stands a chance in a supernova.” ”I see,” said Arthur. ”The ...” ”So why a whelk particularly?” ”Why not a whelk? Doesn’t matter.” Arthur accepted this, and Ford continued, picking up his early fierce momentum as best he could. 46 ”The point is,” he said, ”that people like you and me, Slartibartfast, and Arthur - particularly and especially Arthur - are just dilettantes, eccentrics, layabouts, fartarounds if you like.” Slartibartfast frowned, partly in puzzlement and partly in umbrage.
He started to speak. ”- ...” is as far as he got. ”We’re not obsessed by anything, you see,” insisted Ford. ”...” ”And that’s the deciding factor. We can’t win against obsession. They care, we don’t. They win.” ”I care about lots of things,” said Slartibartfast, his voice trembling partly with annoyance, but partly also with uncertainty. ”Such as?” ”Well,” said the old man, ”life, the Universe. Everything, really. Fjords.” ”Would you die for them?” ”Fjords?” blinked Slartibartfast in surprise. ”No.” ”Well then.” ”Wouldn’t see the point, to be honest.” ”And I still can’t see the connection,” said Arthur, ”with whelks.” Ford could feel the conversation slipping out of his control, and refused to be sidetracked by anything at this point.
\”The point is,” he hissed, ”that we are not obsessive people, and we don’t stand a chance against ...” ”Except for your sudden obsession with whelks,” pursued Arthur, ”which I still haven’t understood.” ”Will you please leave whelks out of it?” ”I will if you will,” said Arthur. ”You brought the subject up.” ”It was an error,” said Ford, ”forget them. The point is this.” He leant forward and rested his forehead on the tips of his fingers. ”What was I talking about?” he said wearily. ”Let’s just go down to the party,” said Slartibartfast, ”for whatever reason.” He stood up, shaking his head. ”I think that’s what I was trying to say,” said Ford. For some unexplained reason, the teleport cubicles were in the bathroom. 17 Chapter 17 Time travel is increasingly regarded as a menace. History is being polluted.
The Encyclopedia Galactica has much to say on the theory and practice of time travel, most of which is incomprehensible to anyone who hasn’t spent at least four lifetimes studying advanced hypermathematics, and since it was impossible to do this before time travel was invented, there is a certain amount of confusion as to how the idea was arrived at in the first place. One rationalization of this problem states that time travel was, by its very nature, discovered simultaneously at all periods of history, but this is clearly bunk. The trouble is that a lot of history is now quite clearly bunk as well.
Here is an example. It may not seem to be an important one to some people, but to others it is crucial. It is certainly significant in that it was the single event that caused the Campaign for Real-Time to be set up in the first place (or is it last? It depends which way round you see history as happening, and this too is now an increasingly vexed question). 47 There is, or was, a poet. His name was Lallafa, and he wrote what is widely regarded throughout the Galaxy as being the finest poems in existence, the Songs of the Long Land. They are/were unspeakably wonderful. That is to say, you couldn’t speak very much of them at once without being so overcome with emotion, truth, and a sense of wholeness and oneness of things that you wouldn’t pretty soon need a brisk walk around the block, possibly pausing at a bar on the way back for a quick glass of perspective and soda.
They were that good. Lallana had lived in the forests of the Long Lands of Effa. He lived there, and he wrote his poems there. He wrote them on pages made of dried Habra leaves, without the benefit of education or correcting fluid. He wrote about the light in the forest and what he thought about that. He wrote about the darkness in the forest, and what he thought about that. He wrote about the girl who had left him and precisely what he thought about that. Long after his death his poems were found and wondered over. News of them spread like morning sunlight. For centuries they illuminated and watered the lives of many people whose lives might otherwise have been darker and drier.
Then, shortly after the invention of time travel, some major correcting fluid manufacturers wondered whether his poems might have been better still if he had had access to some high-quality correcting fluid and whether he might be persuaded to say a few words on that effect. They traveled the time waves, they found him, they explained the situation - with some difficulty - to him, and did indeed persuade him. In fact, they persuaded him to such an effect that he became extremely rich at their hands, and the girl about whom he was otherwise destined to write which such precision never got around to leaving him, and in fact they moved out of the forest to a rather nice pad in town and he frequently commuted to the future to do chat shows, on which he sparkled wittily.
He never got around to writing the poems, of course, which was a problem, but an easily solved one. The manufacturers of correcting fluid simply packed him off for a week somewhere with a copy of a later edition of his book and a stack of dried Habra leaves to copy them out onto, making the odd deliberate mistake and correction on the way. Many people now say that the poems are suddenly worthless. Others argue that they are exactly the same as they always were, so what’s changed? The first people say that that isn’t the point. They aren’t quite sure what the point is, but they are quite sure that that isn’t it. They set up the Campaign for Real-Time to try to stop this sort of thing going on.
Their case was considerably strengthened by the fact that a week after they had set themselves up, news broke that not only had the great Cathedral of Chalesm been pulled down in order to build a new ion refinery, but that the construction of the refinery had taken so long, and had had to extend so far back into the past in order to allow ion production to start on time, that the Cathedral of Chalesm had now never been built in the first place. Picture postcards of the cathedral suddenly became immensely valuable. So a lot of history is now gone forever.
The Campaign for Real Timers claims that just as easy travel eroded the differences between one country and another, and between one world and another, so time travel is now eroding the differences between one age and another. ”The past,” they say, ”is now truly like a foreign country. They do things exactly the same there.” 18 Chapter 18 Arthur materialized, and did so with all the customary staggering about and clasping at his throat, heart, and various limbs which he still indulged himself in whenever he made any of these hateful and painful materializations that he was determined not to let himself get used to. He looked around for the others. They weren’t there.
He looked around for the others again. They still weren’t there. He closed his eyes. 48 He opened them He looked around for the others. They obstinately persisted in their absence. He closed his eyes again, preparatory to making this completely futile exercise once more, and because it was only then, whilst his eyes were closed, that his brain began to register what his eyes had been looking at whilst they were open, a puzzled frown crept across his face. So he opened his eyes again to check his facts and the frown stayed put. If anything, it intensified and got a good firm grip. If this was a party it was a very bad one, so bad, in fact, that everybody else had left. He abandoned this line of thought as futile. Obviously, this wasn’t a party. It was a cave, or a labyrinth, or a tunnel of something - there was insufficient light to tell. All was darkness, damp shiny darkness. The only sounds were the echoes of his own breathing, which sounded worried. He coughed very slightly, and then had to listen to the thin ghostly echo of his cough trailing away amongst winding corridors and sightless chambers, as of some great labyrinth, and eventually returning to him via the same unseen corridors, as if to say ... ”Yes?”
This happened to every slightest noise he made, and it unnerved him. He tried to hum a cheery tune, but by the time it returned to him it was a hollow dirge and he stopped. His mind was suddenly full of images from the story that Slartibartfast had been telling him. He half-expected suddenly to see lethal white robots step silently from the shadows and kill him. He caught his breath. They didn’t. He let it go again. He didn’t know what he did expect. Someone or something, however, seemed to be expecting him, for at that moment there lit up suddenly in the dark distance an eerie green neon sign. It said, silently: You have been Diverted The sign flicked off again, in a way which Arthur was not at all certain he liked. It flicked off with a sort of contemptuous flourish. Arthur then tried to assure himself that this was just a ridiculous trick of his imagination.
A neon sign is either on or off, depending on whether it has electricity running through it or not. There was no way, he told himself, that it could possibly affect the transition from one state to the other with a contemptuous flourish. He hugged himself tightly in his dressing gown and shivered, nevertheless. The neon sign in the depths now suddenly lit up, bafflingly, with just three dots and a comma. Like this: Only in green neon. It was trying, Arthur realized after staring at this perplexedly for a second or two, to indicate that there was more to come, that the sentence was not complete. Trying with almost superhuman pedantry, he reflected. Or at least, inhuman pedantry. The sentence then completed itself with these two words: Arthur Dent. He reeled. He steadied himself to have another clear look at it. It still said Arthur Dent, so he reeled again. Once again, the sign flicked off and left him blinking in the darkness with just the dim red image of his name jumping on his retina. Welcome, the sign now suddenly said. After a moment, it added: I Don’t Think.
The stone-cold fear which had been hovering about Arthur all this time, waiting for its moment, recognized that its moment had now come and pounced on him. He tried to fight it off. He dropped into a kind of alert crouch that he had once seen somebody do on television, but it must have been someone with stronger knees. He peered huntedly into the darkness. 49 ”Er, hello?” he said. He cleared his throat and said it again, more loudly and without the ”er”. At some distance down the corridor, it seemed suddenly as if somebody started to beat on a bass drum.
He listened to it for a few seconds and realized that it was just his heart beating. He listened for a few seconds more and realized that it wasn’t his heart beating, it was somebody down the corridor beating on a bass drum. Beads of sweat formed on his brow tensed themselves and leaped off. He put a hand out on the floor to steady his alert crouch, which wasn’t holding up very well. The sign changed itself again. It said: Do Not be Alarmed. After a pause, it added: Be Very Very Frightened, Arthur Dent. Once again it flicked off. Once again it left him in darkness.
His eyes seemed to be popping out of his head. He wasn’t certain if this was because they were trying to see more clearly, or if they simply wanted to leave at this point. ”Hello?” he said again, this time trying to put a note of rugged and aggressive self-assertion into it. ”Is anyone there?” There was no reply, nothing. This unnerved Arthur Dent even more than a reply would have done, and he began to back away from the scary nothingness. And the more he backed away, the more scared he became. After a while he realized that the reason for this was because of all the films he had seen in which the hero backs further and further away from some imagined terror in front of him, only to bump into it coming up from behind. Just then it suddenly occurred to him to turn round rather quickly. There was nothing there. Just blackness.
This really unnerved him, and he started to back away from that, back the way he had come. After doing this for a short while it suddenly occurred to him that he was now backing towards whatever it was he had been backing away from in the first place.
This, he couldn’t help thinking, must be a foolish thing to do. He decided he would be better off back the way he had first been backing and turned around again. It turned out at this point that his second impulse had been the correct one because there was an indescribably hideous monster standing quietly behind him. Arthur yawed wildly as his skin tried to jump one way and his skeleton the other, whilst his brain tried to work out which of his ears it most wanted to crawl out of. ”Bet you weren’t expecting to see me again,” said the monster, which Arthur couldn’t help thinking was a strange remark for it to make, seeing as he had never met the creature before.
He could tell that he hadn’t met the creature before from the simple fact that he was able to sleep at night. It was ... it was ... it was ... Arthur blinked at it. It stood very still. It did look a little familiar. A terrible cold calm came over him as he realized that what he was looking at was a six-foot-high hologram of a housefly. He wondered why anybody would be showing him a six-foot-high hologram of a housefly at this time. He wondered whose voice he had heard. It was a terribly realistic hologram. It vanished. ”Or perhaps you remember me better,” said the voice suddenly, and it was a deep, hollow malevolent voice which sounded like molten tar glurping out of a drum with evil on its mind, ”as the rabbit.” With a sudden ping, there was a rabbit there in the black labyrinth with him, a huge, monstrously, hideously soft and lovable rabbit - an image again, but one on which every single soft and lovable hair seemed like a real 50 and single thing growing in its soft and lovable coat. Arthur was startled to see his own reflection in its soft and lovable unblinking and extremely huge brown eyes. ”Born in darkness,” rumbled the voice, ”raised in darkness.
One morning I poked my head for the first time into the bright new world and got it split open by what felt suspiciously like some primitive instrument made of flint. ”Made by you, Arthur Dent, and wielded by you. Rather hard as I recall. ”You turned my skin into a bag for keeping interesting stones in. I happen to know that because in my next life I came back as a fly again and you swatted me. Again. Only this time you swatted me with the bag you’d made of my previous skin. ”Arthur Dent, you are not merely a cruel and heartless man, you are also staggeringly tactless.” The voice paused whilst Arthur gawped. ”I see you have lost the bag,” said the voice. ”Probably got bored with it, did you?” Arthur shook his head helplessly.
He wanted to explain that he had been in fact very fond of the bag and had looked after it very well and had taken it with him wherever he went, but that somehow every time he traveled anywhere he seemed inexplicable to end up with the wrong bag and that, curiously enough, even as they stood there he was just noticing for the first time that the bag he had with him at the moment appeared to be made out of rather nasty fake leopard skin, and wasn’t the one he’d had a few moments ago before he arrived in this whatever place it was and wasn’t one he would have chosen himself and heaven knew what would be in it as it wasn’t his, and he would much rather have his original bag back, except that he was of course terribly sorry for having so peremptorily removed it, or rather its component parts, i.e. the rabbit skin, from its previous owner, viz. the rabbit whom he currently had the honor of attempting vainly to address. All he actually managed to say was ”Erp”. ”Meet the newt you trod on,” said the voice.
And there was, standing in the corridor with Arthur, a giant green scaly newt. Arthur turned, yelped, leaped backward, and found himself standing in the middle of the rabbit. He yelped again but could find nowhere to leap to. ”That was me, too,” continued the voice in a low menacing rumble, ”as if you didn’t know ...” ”Know?” said Arthur with a start. ”Know?” ”The interesting thing about reincarnation,” rasped the voice, ”is that most people, most spirits, are not aware that it is happening to them.” He paused for effect. As far as Arthur was concerned there was already quite enough effect going on.
”I was aware,” hissed the voice, ”that is, I became aware. Slowly. Gradually.” He, whoever he was, paused again and gathered breath. ”I could hardly help it, could I?” he bellowed, ”when the same thing kept happening, over and over and over again! Every life I ever lived, I got killed by Arthur Dent. Any world, anybody, any time, I’m just getting settled down, along comes Arthur Dent - pow, he kills me. ”Hard not to notice. Bit of a memory jogger. Bit of a pointer. Bit of a bloody giveaway! ”‘That’s funny,’my spirit would say to itself as it winged its way back to the netherworld after another fruitless Dent-ended venture into the land of the living, ‘that man who just ran over me as I was hopping across the road to my favorite pond looked a little familiar ...’ And gradually I got to piece it together, Dent, you multiple-murderer!” The echoes of his voice roared up and down the corridors.
Arthur stood silent and cold, his head shaking with disbelief. ”Here’s the moment, Dent,” shrieked the voice, now reaching a feverish pitch of hatred, ”here’s the moment when at last I knew!” 51 It was indescribably hideous, the thing that suddenly opened up in front of Arthur, making him gasp and gargle with horror, but here’s an attempt at a description of how hideous it was.
It was a huge palpitating wet cave with a vast, slimy, rough, whale-like creature rolling around it and sliding over monstrous white tombstones. High above the cave rose a vast promontory in which could be seen the dark recesses of two further fearful caves, which ... Arthur Dent suddenly realized that he was looking at his own mouth, when his attention was meant to be directed at the live oyster that was being tipped helplessly into it. He staggered back with a cry and averted his eyes. When he looked again the appalling apparition had gone.
The corridor was dark and, briefly, silent. He was alone with his thoughts. They were extremely unpleasant thoughts and would rather have had a chaperone. The next noise, when it came, was the low heavy roll of a large section of wall trundling aside, revealing, for the moment, just dark blackness behind it.
Arthur looked into it in much the same way that a mouse looks into a dark dog-kennel. And the voice spoke to him again. ”Tell me it was a coincidence, Dent,” it said. ”I dare you to tell me it was a coincidence!” ”It was a coincidence,” said Arthur quickly.
”It was not!” came the answering bellow. ”It was,” said Arthur, ”it was ...” ”If it was a coincidence, then my name,” roared the voice, ”is not Agrajag!!!” ”And presumably,” said Arthur, ”you would claim that that was your name.” ”Yes!” hissed Agrajag, as if he had just completed a rather deft syllogism. ”Well, I’m afraid it was still a coincidence,” said Arthur. ”Come in here and say that!” howled the voice, in sudden apoplexy again. Arthur walked in and said that it was a coincidence, or at least, he nearly said that it was a coincidence. His tongue rather lost its footing towards the end of the last word because the lights came up and revealed what it was he had walked into. It was a Cathedral of Hate. It was the product of a mind that was not merely twisted but actually sprained. It was huge. It was horrific.
It had a Statue in it. We will come to the Statue in a moment. The vast, incomprehensibly vast chamber looked as if it had been carved out of the inside of a mountain, and the reason for this was that that was precisely what it had been carved out of. It seemed to Arthur to spin sickeningly around his head as he stood and gaped at it. It was black. Where it wasn’t black you were inclined to wish that it was, because the colors with which some of the unspeakable details were picked out ranged horribly across the whole spectrum of eye-defying colors from Ultra Violent to Infra Dead, taking in Liver Purple, Loathsome Lilac, Matter Yellow, Burnt hombre, and Gan Green on the way. The unspeakable details which these colors picked out were gargoyles which would have put Francis Bacon off his lunch. The gargoyles all looked inwards from the walls, from the pillars, from the flying buttresses, from the choir stalls, towards the Statue, to which we will come in a moment.
And if the gargoyles would have put Francis Bacon off his lunch, then it was clear from the gargoyles’ faces that the Statue would have put them off theirs, had they been alive to eat it, which they weren’t, and had anybody tried to serve them some, which they wouldn’t. 52 Around the monumental walls were vast engraved stone tablets in memory of those who had fallen to Arthur Dent. The names of some of those commemorated were underlined and had asterisks against them. So, for instance, the name of a cow which had been slaughtered and of which Arthur Dent had happened to eat a fillet steak would have the plainest engraving, whereas the name of a fish which Arthur had himself caught and then decided he didn’t like and left on the side of the plate had double-underlined, three sets of asterisks and a bleeding dagger added as decoration, just to make the point. And what was most disturbing about all this, apart from the Statue, to which we are, by degrees, coming, was the very clear implication that all these people and creatures were indeed the same person, over and over again. And it was equally clear that this person was, however unfairly, extremely upset and annoyed.
In fact, it would be fair to say that he had reached a level of annoyance the like of which had never been seen in the Universe. It was an annoyance of epic proportions, a burning searing flame of annoyance, an annoyance which now spanned the whole of time and space in its infinite umbrage. And this annoyance had been given its fullest expression in the Statue in the center of all this monstrosity, which was a statue of Arthur Dent, and an unflattering one. Fifty feet tall if it was an inch, there was not an inch of it which wasn’t crammed with an insult to its subject matter, and fifty feet of that sort of thing would be enough to make any subject feel bad. From the small pimple on the side of his nose to the poorish cut of his dressing-gown, there was no aspect of Arthur Dent which wasn’t lambasted and vilified by the sculptor. Arthur appeared as a gorgon, an evil, rapacious, ravening, bloodied ogre, slaughtering his way through an innocent one-man Universe.
With each of the thirty arms which the sculptor in a fit of artistic fervor had decided to give him, he was either braining a rabbit, swatting a fly, pulling a wishbone, picking a flea out of his hair, or doing something which Arthur at first looking couldn’t quite identify. His many feet were mostly stamping on ants. Arthur put his hands over his eyes, hung his head, and shook it slowly from side to side in sadness and horror at the craziness of things. And when he opened his eyes again, there in front of him stood the figure of the man or creature, or whatever it was, that he had supposedly been persecuting all this time. ”HhhhhhrrrrrraaaaaaHHHHHH!” said Agrajag. He, or it, or whatever, looked like a mad fat bat. He waddled slowly around Arthur and poked at him with bent claws. ”Look ...!” protested Arthur. ”HhhhhhrrrrrraaaaaaHHHHHH!!!” explained Agrajag, and Arthur reluctantly accepted this on the grounds that he was rather frightened by this hideous and strangely wrecked apparition. Agrajag was black, bloated, wrinkled, and leathery. His batwings were somehow more frightening for being the pathetic broken floundering things they were than if they had been strong, muscular beaters of the air.
The frightening thing was probably the tenacity of his continued existence against all the physical odds. He had the most astounding collection of teeth. They looked as if they each came from a completely different animal, and they were ranged around his mouth at such bizarre angles it seemed that if he ever actually tried to chew anything he’d lacerate half his own face along with it, and possibly put an eye out as well. Each of his three eyes was small and intense and looked about as sane as a fish in a private bush.
”I was at a cricket match,” he rasped. This seemed on the face of it such a preposterous notion that Arthur practically choked. 53 ”Not in this body,” screeched the creature, ”not in this body! This is my last body. My last life. This is my revenge body.
My kill-Arthur-Dent body.My last chance. I had to fight to get it, too.” ”But ...” ”I was at,” roared Agrajag, ”a cricket match! I had a weak heart condition, but what, I said to my wife, can happen to me at a cricket match? As I’m watching, what happens? ”Two people quite maliciously appear out of thin air just in front of me. The last thing I can’t help but notice before my poor heart gives out in shock is that one of them is Arthur Dent wearing a rabbit bone in his beard. Coincidence?” ”Yes,” said Arthur. ”Coincidence?” screamed the creature, painfully thrashing its broken wings, and opening a short gash on its right cheek with a particularly nasty tooth. On closer examination, such as he’d been hoping to avoid, Arthur noticed that much of Agrajag’s face was covered with ragged strips of black sticky plasters. He backed away nervously. He tugged at his beard.
He was appalled to discover that in fact he still had the rabbit bone in it. He pulled it out and threw it away. ”Look,” he said, ”it’s just fate playing silly buggers with you. With me. With us. It’s a complete coincidence.” ”What have you got against me, Dent?” snarled the creature, advancing on him in a painful waddle. ”Nothing,” insisted Arthur, ”honestly, nothing.” Agrajag fixed him with a beady stare. ”Seems a strange way to relate to somebody you’ve got nothing against, killing them all the time. A very curious piece of social interaction, I would call that. I’d also call it a lie!” ”But look,” said Arthur, ”I’m very sorry. There’s been a terrible misunderstanding. I’ve got to go. Have you got a clock? I’m meant to be helping save the Universe.” He backed away still further. Agrajag advanced still further. ”At one point,” he hissed, ”at one point, I decided to give up. Yes, I would not come back.
I would stay in the netherworld. And what happened?” Arthur indicated with random shakes of his head that he had no idea and didn’t want to have one either. He found he had backed up against the cold dark stone that had been carved by who knew what Herculean effort into a monstrous travesty of his bedroom slippers. He glanced up at his own horrendously parodied image towering above him. He was still puzzled as to what one of his hands was meant to be doing.
”I got yanked involuntarily back into the physical world,” pursued Agrajag, ”as a bunch of petunias. In, I might add, a bowl. This particularly happy little lifetime started off with me, in my bowl, unsupported, three hundred miles above the surface of a, particularly grim planet. Not a naturally tenable position for a bowl of petunias, you might think. And you’d be right. That life ended a very short while later, three hundred miles lower. In, I might add, the fresh wreckage of a whale. My spirit brother.” He leered at Arthur with renewed hatred. ”On the way down,” he snarled, ”I couldn’t help noticing a flashy-looking white spaceship. And looking out of a port on this flashy-looking spaceship was a smug-looking Arthur Dent. Coincidence?!!” ”Yes!” yelled Arthur. He glanced up again and realized that the arm that had puzzled him was represented as wantonly calling into existence a bowl of doomed petunias.
\This was not a concept which leaped easily to the eye. ”I must go,” insisted Arthur. ”You may go,” said Agrajag, ”after I have killed you.” ”No, that won’t be any use,” explained Arthur, beginning to climb up the hard stone incline of his carved slipper, ”because I have to save the Universe, you see. I have to find a Silver Bail, that’s the point. The tricky thing to do die.” 54 ”Save the Universe!” spat Agrajag with contempt. ”You should have thought of that before you started your vendetta against me! What about the time you were on Stavromula Beta and someone ...” ”I’ve never been there,” said Arthur. ”... tried to assassinate you and you ducked. Who do you think the bullet hit? What did you say?” ”Never been there,” repeated Arthur. ”What are you talking about? I have to go.” Agrajag stopped in his tracks.
”You must have been there. You were responsible for my death there, as everywhere else. An innocent bystander!” He quivered. ”I’ve never heard of the place,” insisted Arthur. ”I’ve certainly never had anyone try to assassinate me. Other than you. Perhaps I go there later, do you think?” Agrajag blinked slowly in a kind of frozen logical horror. ”You haven’t been to Stavromula Beta ... yet?” he whispered. ”No,” said Arthur, ”I don’t know anything about the place. Certainly never been to it, and don’t have any plans to go.” ”Oh, you go there all right,” muttered Agrajag in a broken voice, ”you go there all right. Oh zark!” he tottered, and stared wildly about him at his huge Cathedral of Hate.
”I’ve brought you here too soon!” He started to scream and bellow. ”I’ve brought you here too zarking soon!” Suddenly he rallied, and turned a baleful, hating eye on Arthur. ”I’m going to kill you anyway!” he roared. ”Even if it’s a logical impossibility I’m going to zarking good try! I’m going to blow this whole mountain up!” He screamed, ”Let’s see you get out of this one, Dent!” He rushed in a painful waddling hobble to what appeared to be a small black sacrificial altar. He was shouting so wildly now that he was really carving his face up badly. Arthur leaped down from his vantage place on the carving of his own foot and ran to try to restrain the three-quarters-crazed creature.
\He leaped upon him and brought the strange monstrosity crashing down on top of the altar. Agrajag screamed again, thrashed wildly for a brief moment, and turned a wild eye on Arthur. ”You know what you’ve done?” he gurgled painfully. ”You’ve only gone and killed me again. i mean, what do you want from me, blood?” He thrashed again in a brief apoplectic fit, quivered, and collapsed, smacking a large red button on the altar as he did so. Arthur started with horror and fear, first at what he appeared to have done, and then at the loud sirens and bells that suddenly shattered the air to announce some clamoring emergency. He stared wildly around him. The only exit appeared to be the way he came in. He pelted towards it, throwing away the nasty fake leopardskin bag as he did so.
He dashed randomly, haphazardly through the labyrinthine maze, he seemed to be pursued more and more fiercely by claxons, sirens, flashing lights. Suddenly, he turned a corner and there was a light in front of him. It wasn’t flashing. It was daylight. 19 Chapter 19 Although it has been said that on Earth alone in our Galaxy is Krikkit (or cricket) treated as a fit subject for a game and that for this reason the Earth has been shunned, this does only apply to our Galaxy, and more specifically to our dimension. In some of the higher dimensions, they feel they can more or less please themselves, and 55 have been playing a peculiar game called Brockian Ultra-Cricket for whatever their transdimensional equivalent of billions of years is. ”Let’s be blunt, it’s a nasty game” (says The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) ”but then anyone who has been to any of the higher dimensions will know that they’re a pretty nasty heathen lot up there who should just be smashed and done in, and would be, too, if anyone could work out a way of firing missiles at right-angles to reality.”
This is another example of the fact that The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will employ anybody who wants to walk straight in off the street and get ripped off, especially if they happen to walk in off the street during the afternoon, when very few of the regular staff are there. There is a fundamental point here. The history of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is one of idealism, struggle, despair, passion, success, failure, and enormously long lunch breaks. The earliest origins of the Guide are now, along with most of its financial records, lost in the mists of time. For other, and more curious theories about where they are lost, see below. Most of the surviving stories, however, speak of a founding editor called Hurling Frootmig. Hurling Frootmig, it is said, founded the Guide, established its fundamental principles of honesty and idealism, and went bust.
There followed many years of penury and heart-searching during which he consulted friends, sat in darkened rooms in illegal states of mind, thought about this and that, fooled about with weights, and then, after a chance encounter with the Holy Lunching Friars of London (who claimed that just as lunch was at the center of a man’s temporal day, and man’s temporal day could be seen as an analogy for his spiritual life, so Lunch should (a) be seen as the center of a man’s spiritual life, and (b) be held in jolly nice restaurants), he refounded the Guide, laid down its fundamental principles of honesty and idealism and where you could stuff them both, and led the Guide on to its first major commercial success. He also started to develop and explore the role of the editorial lunch-break which was subsequently to play such a crucial part in the Guide’s history, since it meant that most of the actual work got done by any passing stranger who happened to wander into the empty offices on an afternoon and saw something worth doing.
Shortly after this, the Guide was taken over by Megadodo Publications of Ursa Minor Beta, thus putting the whole thing on a very sound financial footing, and allowing the fourth editor, Lig Lury Jr, to embark on lunchbreaks of such breathtaking scope that even the efforts of recent editors, who have started undertaking sponsored lunch-breaks for charity, seem like mere sandwiches in comparison. In fact, Lig never formally resigned his editorship - he merely left his office late one morning and has never since returned.
Though well over a century has now passed, many members of the guide staff still retain the romantic notion that he has simply popped out for a ham croissant, and will yet return to put in a solid afternoon’s work. Strictly speaking, all editors since Lig Lury Jr have therefore been designated Acting Editors, and Lig’s desk has still preserved the way he left it, with the addition of a small sign which says ”Lig Lury Jr, Editor, Missing, presumed Fed”.
Some very scurrilous and subversive sources hint at the idea that Lig actually perished in the Guide’s first extraordinary experiments in alternative book-keeping. Very little is known of this, and less still said. Anyone who even notices, let alone calls attention to, the curious but utter coincidental and meaningless fact that every world on which the Guide has ever set up an accounting department has shortly afterward perished in warfare or some natural disaster, is liable to get sued to smithereens.
It is an interesting thought utterly unrelated fact that the two or three days prior to the demolition of the planet Earth to make way for a new hyperspace bypass saw a dramatic upsurge in the number of UFO sightings there, not only above Lords Cricket Ground in St. John’s Wood, London but also above Glastonbury in Somerset. Glastonbury had long been associated with myths of ancient kings, witchcraft, ley-lines, and wart curing, and had now been selected as the site for the new Hitch Hiker’s Guide financial records office, and indeed, ten years’ 56 worth of financial records were transferred to a magic hill just outside the city mere hours before the Vogons arrived. None of these facts, however strange or inexplicable, is as strange or inexplicable as the rules of the game of Brockman Ultra-Cricket, as played in the higher dimensions.
A full set of rules is so massively complicated that the only time they were all bound together in a single volume, they underwent gravitational collapse and became a Black Hole. A brief summary, however, is as follows: Rule One: Grow at least three extra legs. You won’t need them, but it keeps the crowds amused. Rule Two: Find one good Brockian Ultra-Cricket player. Clone him off a few times. This saves an enormous amount of tedious selection and training. Rule Three: Put your team and the opposing team in a large field and build a high wall around them.
The reason for this is that, though the game is a major spectator sport, the frustration experienced by the audience at not actually being able to see what’s going on leads them to imagine that it’s a lot more exciting than it really is. A crowd that has just watched a rather humdrum game experiences far less life-affirmation than a crowd that believes it has just missed the most dramatic event in sporting history. Rule Four: Throw lots of assorted items of sporting equipment over the wall for the players. Anything will do - cricket bats, base cube bats, tennis guns, skis, anything you can get a good swing with. Rule Five: The players should now lay about themselves for all they are worth with whatever they find to hand. Whenever a player scores a ”hit” on another player, he should immediately run away and apologize from a safe distance.
Apologies should be concise, sincere, and, for maximum clarity and points, delivered through a megaphone. Rule Six: The winning team shall be the first team that wins. Curiously enough, the more the obsession with the game grows in the higher dimensions, the less it is actually played since most of the competing teams are now in a state of permanent warfare with each other over the interpretation of these rules. This is all for the best because, in the long run, a good solid war is less psychologically damaging than a protracted game of Brockman Ultra-Cricket. 20 Chapter 20 As Arthur ran darting, dashing, and panting down the side of the mountain he suddenly felt the whole bulk of the mountain move very, very slightly beneath him. There was a rumble, a roar, and a slightly blurred movement, and a lick of heat in the distance behind and above him. He ran in a frenzy of fear. The land began to slide, and he suddenly felt the force of the word ”landslide” in a way that had never been apparent to him before. It had always just been a word to him, but now he was suddenly and horribly aware that sliding is a strange and sickening thing for land to do. It was doing it with him on it. He felt ill with fear and shaking. The ground slid, the mountain slurred, he slipped, he fell, he stood, he slipped again and ran.
The avalanche began. Stones, then rocks, then boulders which pranced past him like clumsy puppies, only much, much bigger, much, much harder and heavier, and almost infinitely more likely to kill you if they fell on you. His eyes danced with them, his feet danced with the dancing ground. He ran as if running was a terrible sweating sickness, his heart pounded to the rhythm of the pounding geological frenzy around him.
The logic of the situation, i.e. that he was clearly bound to survive if the next foreshadowed incident in the saga of his inadvertent persecution of Agrajag was to happen, was utterly failing to impinge itself on his mind or exercise any restraining influence on him at this time. He ran with the fear of death in him, under him, over him, and grabbing hold of his hair. And suddenly he tripped again and was hurled forward by his considerable momentum. But just at the moment that he was about to hit the ground astoundingly hard he saw lying directly in front of him a small navy-blue holdall that he knew for a fact he had lost in the baggage-retrieval system at Athens airport some ten years in 57 his personal time-scale previously, and in his astonishment, he missed the ground completely and bobbed off into the air with his brain singing. What he was doing was this: he was flying.
He glanced around him in surprise, but there could be no doubt that that was what he was doing. No part of him was touching the ground, and no part of him was even approaching it. He was simply floating there with boulders hurtling through the air around him. He could now do something about that. Blinking with the non-effort of it he wafted higher into the air, and now the boulders were hurtling through the air beneath him. He looked downwards with intense curiosity. Between him and the shivering ground were now some thirty feet of empty air, empty that is if you discounted the boulders which didn’t stay in it for long, but bounded downwards in the iron grip of the law of gravity; the same law which seemed, all of a sudden, to have given Arthur a sabbatical.
It occurred to him almost instantly, with the instinctive correctness that self-preservation instills in the mind, that he mustn’t try to think about it, that if he did, the law of gravity would suddenly glance sharply in his direction and demand to know what the hell he thought he was doing up there, and all would suddenly be lost. So he thought about tulips. It was difficult, but he did. He thought about the pleasing firm roundness of the bottom of tulips, he thought about the interesting variety of colors they came in and wondered what proportion of the total number of tulips that grew or had grown, on the Earth would be found within a radius of one mile from a windmill.
After a while he got dangerously bored with this train of thought, felt the air slipping away beneath him, felt that he was drifting down into the paths of the bouncing boulders that he was trying so hard not to think about, so he thought about Athens airport for a bit and that kept him usefully annoyed for about five minutes - at the end of which he was startled to discover that he was now floating about two hundred yards above the ground. He wondered for a moment how he was going to get back down to it, but instantly shied away from that area of speculation again, and tried to look at the situation steadily. He was flying, What was he going to do about it? He looked back down at the ground. He didn’t look at it hard but did his best just to give it an idle glance, as it were, in passing.
There were a couple of things he couldn’t help noticing. One was that the eruption of the mountain seemed now to have spent itself - there was a crater just a little way beneath the peak, presumably where the rock had caved in on top of the huge cavernous cathedral, the statue of himself, and the sadly abused figure of Agrajag. The other was his hold-all, the one he had lost at Athens airport. It was sitting pertly on a piece of clear ground, surrounded by exhausted boulders but apparently hit by none of them. Why this should be he could not speculate, but since this mystery was completely overshadowed by the monstrous impossibility of the bag’s being there in the first place, it was not speculation he really felt strong enough for anyway.
The thing is, it was there. And the nasty, fake leopard-skin bag seemed to have disappeared, which was all to the good, if not entirely to the explicable. He was faced with the fact that he was going to have to pick the thing up. Here he was, flying along with two hundred yards above the surface of an alien planet the name of which he couldn’t even remember. He could not ignore the plaintive posture of this tiny piece of what used to be his life, here, so many light-years from the pulverized remains of his home. Furthermore, he realized, the bag, if it was still in the state in which he lost it, would contain a can which would have in it the only Greek olive oil still surviving in the Universe. Slowly, carefully, inch by inch, he began to bob downwards, swinging gently from side to side like a nervous sheet of paper feeling its way towards the ground. It went well, he was feeling good. The air supported him, but let him through.
Two minutes later he was hovering a mere two feet above the bag, and was faced with some difficult decision. He bobbed there lightly. He frowned, but again, as lightly as he could. If he picked the bag up, could he carry it? Mightn’t the extra weight just pull him straight to the ground? Mightn’t the mere act of touching something on the ground suddenly discharge whatever mysterious force it was that was holding him in the air? 58 Mightn’t he be better off just being sensible at this point and stepping out of the air, back on to the ground for a moment or two? If he did, would he ever be able to fly again? The sensation, when he allowed himself to be aware of it, was so quietly ecstatic that he could not bear the thought of losing it, perhaps for ever. With this worry in mind he bobbed upwards a little again, just to try the feel of it, the surprising and effortless movement of it. He bobbed, he floated. He tried a little swoop.
The swoop was terrific. With his arms spread out in front of him, his hair and dressing gown streaming out behind him, he dived down out of the sky, bellied along a body of air about two feet from the ground and swung back up again, catching himself at the top of the swing and holding. Just holding. He stayed there. It was wonderful. And that, he realized, was the way of picking up the bag. He would swoop down and catch hold of it just at the point of the upswing. He would carry it on up with him. He might wobble a bit, but he was certain that he could hold it. He tried one or two more practice swoops, and they got better and better.
The air on his face, the bounce and woof of his body, all combined to make him feel an intoxication of the spirit that he hadn’t felt since, since - well as far as he could work out since he was born. He drifted away on the breeze and surveyed the countryside, which was, he discovered, pretty nasty. It had a wasted ravaged look. He decided not to look at it anymore. He would just pick up the bag and then ... he didn’t know what he was going to do after he had picked up the bag. He decided he would just pick up the bag and see where things went from there. He judged himself against the wind, pushed up against it, and turned around. He floated on its body. He didn’t realize it, but his body was willing at this point. He ducked down under the airstream, dipped - and dived.
The air threw itself past him, he thrilled through it. The ground wobbled uncertainly, straightened its ideas out, and rose smoothly up to meet him, offering the bag, its cracked plastic handles up towards him. Halfway down there was a sudden dangerous moment when he could no longer believe he was doing this, and therefore he very nearly wasn’t, but he recovered himself in time, skimmed over the ground, slipped an arm smoothly through the handles of the bag, and began to climb back up, couldn’t make it and all of a sudden collapsed, bruised, scratched and shaking in the stony ground. He staggered instantly to his feet and swayed hopelessly around, swinging the bag round him in agony of grief and disappointment. His feet, suddenly, were stuck heavily to the ground in the way they always had been. His body seemed like an unwieldy sack of potatoes that reeled stumbling against the ground, his mind had all the lightness of a bag of lead. He sagged and swayed and ached with giddiness.
He tried hopelessly to run, but his legs were suddenly too weak. He tripped and flopped forward. At that moment he remembered that in the bag he was now carrying was not only a can of Greek olive oil but a duty-free allowance of retsina, and in the pleasurable shock of that realization he failed to notice for at least ten seconds that he was now flying again. He whooped and cried with relief and pleasure, and sheer physical delight. He swooped, he wheeled, he skidded and whirled through the air. Cheekily he sat on an updraught and went through the contents of the hold-all.
He felt the way he imagined an angel must feel during its celebrated dance on the head of a pin whilst being counted by philosophers. He laughed with pleasure at the discovery that the bag did, in fact, contain the olive oil and the retsina as well as a pair of cracked sunglasses, some sand-filled swimming trunks, some creased postcards of Santorini, a large and unsightly towel, some interesting stones, and various scraps of paper with the addresses of people he was relieved to think he would never meet again, even if the reason why was a sad one. He dropped the stones, put on the sunglasses, and let the pieces of paper whip away in the wind. Ten minutes later, drifting idly through a cloud, he got a large and extremely disreputable cocktail party in the small of the back. 59 21 Chapter 21 The longest and most destructive party ever held is now into its fourth generation, and still, no one shows any signs of leaving. Somebody did once look at his watch, but that was eleven years ago, and there has been no follow-up. The mess is extraordinary and has to be seen to be believed, but if you don’t have any particular need to believe it, then don’t go and look, because you won’t enjoy it.
There have recently been some bangs and flashes up in the clouds, and there is one theory that this is a battle being fought between the fleets of several rival carpet-cleaning companies who are hovering over the thing like vultures, but you shouldn’t believe anything you hear at parties, and particularly not anything you hear at this one. One of the problems, and it’s one which is obviously going to get worse, is that all the people at the party are either the children or the grandchildren or the great-grandchildren of the people who wouldn’t leave in the first place, and because of all the business about selective breeding and regressive genes and so on, it means that all the people now at the party are either absolutely fanatical partygoers or gibbering idiots or, more and more frequently, both.
Either way, it means that genetically speaking, each succeeding generation is now less likely to leave than the preceding one. So other factors come into operation, like when the drink is going to run out. Now, because of certain things which have happened which seemed like a good idea at the time (and one of the problems with a party which never stops is that all the things which only seem like a good idea at parties continue to seem like good ideas), that point seems still to be a long way off. One of the things which seemed like a good idea at the time was that the party should fly - not in the normal sense that parties are meant to fly, but literally.
One night, long ago, a band of drunken Astro-engineers of the first generation clambered around the building digging this, fixing that, banging very hard on the other and when the sun rose the following morning, it was startled to find itself shining on a building full of happy drunken people which was now floating like a young and uncertain bird over the treetops. Not only that, but the flying party had also managed to arm itself rather heavily. If they were going to get involved in any petty arguments with wine merchants, they wanted to make sure they had might on their side. The transition from full-time cocktail party to part-time raiding party came with ease, and did much to add that extra bit of zest and swing to the whole affair which was badly needed at this point because of the enormous number of times that the band had already played all the numbers it knew over the years. They looted, they raided, they held whole cities for ransom for fresh supplies of cheese crackers, avocado dip, spare ribs and wine and spirits, which would now get piped aboard from floating tankers.
The problem of when the drink is going to run out is, however, going to have to be faced one day. The planet over which they are floating is no longer the planet it was when they first started floating over it. It is in bad shape. The party had attacked and raided an awful lot of it, and no one has ever succeeded in hitting it back because of the erratic and unpredictable way in which it lurches round the sky. It is one hell of a party. It is also one hell of a thing to get hit by in the small of the back. 22 Chapter 22 Arthur lay floundering in pain on a piece of ripped and dismembered reinforced concrete, flicked at by wisps of passing cloud and confused by the sounds of flabby merrymaking somewhere indistinctly behind him. 60 There was a sound he couldn’t immediately identify, partly because he didn’t know the tune ”I Left my Leg in Jaglan Beta” and partly because the band playing it were very tired, and some members of it were playing it in three-four time, some in four- four, and some in a kind of pie-eyed r2, each according to the amount of sleep he’d managed to grab recently.
He lay, panting heavily in the wet air, and tried feeling bits of himself to see where he might be hurt. Wherever he touched himself, he encountered a pain. After a short while he worked out that this was because it was his hand that was hurting. He seemed to have sprained his wrist. His back, too, was hurting, but he soon satisfied himself that he was not badly hurt, but just bruised and a little shaken, as who wouldn’t be? He couldn’t understand what a building would be doing flying through the clouds. On the other hand, he would have been a little hard-pressed to come up with any convincing explanation of his own presence, so he decided that he and the building were just going to have to accept each other. He looked up from where he was lying. A wall of pale but stained stone slabs rose up behind him, the building proper. He seemed to be stretched out on some sort of ledge or lip which extended outwards for about three or four feet all the way around. It was a hunk of the ground in which the party building had had its foundations, and which it had taken along with itself to keep itself bound together at the bottom end. Nervously, he stood up and, suddenly, looking out over the edge, he felt nauseous with vertigo. He pressed himself back against the wall, wet with mist and sweat. His head was swimming freestyle, but someone in his stomach was doing the butterfly.
Even though he had got up here under his own power, he could now not even bear to contemplate the hideous drop in front of him. He was not about to try his luck jumping. He was not about to move an inch closer to the edge. Clutching his hold-all he edged along the wall, hoping to find a doorway in. The solid weight of the can of olive oil was a great reassurance to him. He was edging in the direction of the nearest corner, in the hope that the wall around the corner might offer more in the way of entrances than this one, which offered none. The unsteadiness of the building’s flight made him feel sick with fear, and after a short while he took the towel from out of his hold-all and did something with it which once again justified its supreme position in the list of useful things to take with you when you hitch-hike round the Galaxy.
He put it over his head so he wouldn’t have to see what he was doing. His feet edged along the ground. His outstretched hand edged along the wall. Finally, he came to the corner, and as his hand rounded the corner it encountered something which gave him such a shock that he nearly fell straight off. It was another hand. The two hands gripped each other. He desperately wanted to use his other hand to pull the towel back from his eyes, but it was holding the hold-all with the olive oil, the retsina, and the postcards from Santorini, and he very much didn’t want to put it down. He experienced one of those ”self” moments, one of those moments when you suddenly turn around and look at yourself and think ”Who am I? What am I up to? What have I achieved? Am I doing well?” He whimpered very slightly. He tried to free his hand, but he couldn’t. The other hand was holding his tightly. He had no recourse but to edge onwards towards the corner. He leaned around it and shook his head in an attempt to dislodge the towel.
This seemed to provoke a sharp cry of some unfashionable emotion from the owner of the other hand. The towel was whipped from his head and he found his eyes peering into those of Ford Prefect. Beyond him stood Slartibartfast, and beyond them, he could clearly see a porchway and a large closed door. They were both pressed back against the wall, eyes wild with terror as they stared out into the thick blind cloud around them, and tried to resist the lurching and swaying of the building. ”Where the zarking photon have you been?” hissed Ford, panic stricken. ”Er, well,” stuttered Arthur, not really knowing how to sum it all up that briefly. ”Here and there. What are you doing here?”